There are lots of things to do in Sims 3 specially when you love to design houses like me. In designing houses in Sims 3 I always use lots of codes just to satisfy my imagination and to make things more realistic. So I gathered some info's on HOW & WHAT codes to use in building your Sims dream houses.
Here's how:
First, you need to bring up the cheat console by holding down the CTRL+SHIFT+C keys on your keyboard at the same time which will bring a small dark blue box up at the top of your screen. This box is generally called the "cheat box" or the "cheat console" in most games. Type the cheat or code text in the console and hit ENTER.
This will be very helpful specially in build mode.
allowObjectsOnRoofs [true/false] - When enabled, build mode and buy mode objects won't disable themselves during fires and burglary. Default is "false" - set to "true" to enable this behavior.
constrainFloorElevation [true/false] - Allows all terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures on them. Walls, floors, and objects will move with the terrain, allowing you to create sloped walls and floored hills. However, placing new walls/floors will still flatten terrain, and placing objects will still require the terrain to be flat initially if the objects normally require it. Default is "true" - set to "false" to enable this behavior.
EnableLotLocking [true/false] - Enables toggling lot locking in the Edit Town Info Panel. To build on a locked lot like a tomb you can use enablelotlocking or testingcheatsenabled. You use this cheat from Edit Town mode. By using enablelotlocking: Type enablelotlocking TRUE. Why true? Because it enabled locking in the description of the lot. Press the little lock close to the "edit lot" button, it will unlock the lot and you can edit it. By using testingcheatsenabled: Type testingcheatsenabled true and while playing on a sim, hold shift and press the ground of the lot. It will give you the option to edit the lot.
moveobjects [true/false] - Allows moving of objects onto places on the grid where they would normally not be allowed. Also allows you to pick up sims.
placeFriezes [on/off] - Sets the deck foundation product to type frieze.
removeFloorCutout [true/false] - Usage:removeFloorCutout id
RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings [true/false] or rbbb [on/off] - This code removes restrictions for build/buy in buildings. (Requires: testingCheatsEnabled true.)
setFloorCutout [true/false] - Usage[float]:setFloorCutout centerX centerZ sideLength id.
setImportedTerrainOffset - Usage: setImportedTerrainOffset [value]. Allows fixed terrain offset to be applied on import.
Hidden Room Markers - Only available in BuyDebug catalog and only visible in Build/Buy mode. Any room that these markers are placed in will be fogged unless RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings or BuyDebug cheats are on. Any room that contains one of these has the same Build/Buy restrictions as public rooms. Doors leading into rooms with these markers do not have the Go Through interaction.
Level Skip Marker - Usage:Only available in BuyDebug catalog and only visible in Build/Buy mode. Any floor level that this marker exists on is skipped with floor up / floor down actions, unless the RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings cheat or BuyDebug cheat is active.)
Front of Lot Marker - Only available in Build/Buy mode. To override the current front of the lot and set a particular side as the front of the lot, CTRL+SHIFT+CLICK on the ground and select "Set Front of Lot."
Public Room Markers - For Residential Lots with Buildable Shells. Only available in BuyDebug catalog and only visible in Build/Buy mode or if RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings or BuyDebug cheats are on. A Public Room Marker must be placed in all rooms that are supposed to be public except for the "outside room."
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